Community Involvement Committee Meeting

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Wednesday, August 4, 2010 - 5:30pm

North Boone Community Unit School District #200
Community Involvement Committee
North Boone High School
17823 Poplar Grove Road
Poplar Grove, IL 61065
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
5:30 p.m.

I.        Roll Call


II.       Audience to Visitors


III.      Update on Projects

A.     Advertising

B.      Parking Spots

C.      Season Passes

D.     Ticket Takers

E.      Transportation
F.      Concession Stand

IV.    Accounting Flow

A.      Advertising

For the most part, advertising revenue is a new revenue stream. Therefore, it was decided that any revenue generated from these activities would go into the Education Fund as athletic revenue. Revenue would not be credited to an individual sport. (This would exclude advertising revenue related to athletic programs.)

B.      Parking Spots

Parking revenue is a new revenue stream. Revenue generated would go into the Education Fund as athletic revenue. Revenue would not be credited to an individual sport.

C.      Season Passes

Season passes are in the same category as gate admissions and go into the Education Fund as athletic revenue. Revenue would not be credited to an           individual sport.

D.      Ticket Takers

This is a reduction in expense that previously was in the Education Fund.

E.      Transportation

F.      Concession Stand

For the 2010-2011 school year, 10% of the net income generated from the concession stand will be transferred to the Education Fund as athletic revenue.     That revenue will be credited to the sport to which the concession stand was      related.

Note:    All additional revenue from an expansion of an activity that is currently                      sponsored by the Booster Club will remain within the Booster Club.

V.     Announcements
Next Meeting Date:
          VI.    Adjournment

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